The Real Slim Shady
This rapper from Detroit has so many names and nicknames that some people don't realize they're all the same person. Marshall
Bruce Mathers III is what Eminem was named when he was born. He uses Eminem as his rap name because it represents his initials
"M-and-M" - get it? Also, he sometimes uses the nick Slim Shady to express his rougher, meaner alter-ego (the other
side of his personality).
Eminem Gets His Big Break
Marshall Mathers was discovered by rap icon, Dr. Dre. Ever since Emeinem's first big label CD dropped, The Slim Shady
LP, he's been creating an upset with his lyrics and his style. Although some people (the US Congress, Tipper Gore and others)
consider him a bad influence on youth, fans can't get enough of Eminem or his music. Eminem is considered the number one rap
artist in the world right now.
Eminem Is Not a Moma's Boy
Eminem, as most fans know from his lyrics, is not a moma's boy. In fact, his mom, Debbie Mathers-Briggs, has sued Eminem
because his lyrics bash her so much. Hopefully Eminem's daughter, Hailie Jade Mathers, won't feel the same hostility towards
And The Oscar Goes To...Eminem!
Eminem's tune, Lose Yourself, won an Oscar for Best Original Song at the 2003 Academy Awards. The song was from his debut
movie, 8 Mile.
Eminem - Did U Know? When Eminem was young, he was bullied so badly, that a fight actually put him in a coma.
what people think, Eminem did not spend his whole life in trouble with the law. Eminem's first arrest came when he was 20
years old and it was for shooting a paintgun at a police car. The charges were later dropped.
Emeinem has a younger
half-brother named Nathan. Nathan Mathers lives part-time with Eminem in his Detroit mansion.
Eminem Says... "It'd
be stupid for me to sit here and say that there aren't kids who look up to me, but my responsibility is not to them. I'm not
a baby sitter. "